Giacomo asked about the Kelpie today, and Saul asked about the Loch Ness Monster yesterday. Here is some information about the Kelpie. Giacomo has shared a bit about the Loch Ness Monster. What else do we want to know about it? "The mythical kelpie is the Scots name given to a supernatural water horse that was said to haunt Scotland's lochs and lonely rivers. It has usually been described as appearing as a horse but is able to adopt human form." - "A kelpie is a shape-changing aquatic spirit of Scottish legend. Its name may derive from the Scottish Gaelic words ‘cailpeach’ or ‘colpach’, meaning heifer or colt. Kelpies are said to haunt rivers and streams, usually in the shape of a horse." -
What kind of images or recreations of the Loch Ness Monster can you find?
Based on conversations with Giacomo about the Loch Ness Monster, and Audrey's interest in monsters (thanks to Sarah for sharing this), we came together on Wednesday to think about what we know about different creatures/monsters. The children were invited to bring any favorite images of monsters or books they have that include creatures/monsters.
“A monster is something that scares people and tricks the animals.” - Saul What else do we know about them?“All of the monsters live in the trucks, and the people lift them up.” - Saul What kind of food to you think he [the manticore] would eat? “Grass?” - Audrey “Goats?” - Tegan “He would eat his tail.” - Saul “It might eat clouds? Clouds?” - Audrey How would he get alll the way up into the sky to get the clouds? “He can go up in the sky in an airplane.” - Saul “I have another way. He could go up in the sky in a boat.” - Saul “Or he could eat leaves from a tree.” - Audrey “He could fly to get to the sky.” - Tegan If only the Manticore had wings like this guy [the Roe]. Or, he could use an airplane like Saul said. How do monsters move?
Drawing our own creatures/monsters