What does our invitation need to say? Have you ever gotten a birthday invitation where somebody says, ‘Will you please come to my birthday?’? - Elyse “I didn’t have a birthday invitation.” - Jade So, if we want to ask somebody to do something with us, how can we ask them? If I wanted to invite you to the park I might say, ‘Sauly, will you come to the park with me?’. - Elyse “Of course I will.” - Saul That’s an invitation, so how can we invite Brown Room? - Elyse ‘You can come in. You need to say ‘Come in when you’re ready. When you’re not ready you can’t come in.’. - Jade “We need XOXOX, XOXOX.” - Jade Should our message say XOXOX like ‘kiss hug kiss hug kiss’? - Elyse “Yes.” - Jade If we only ask ‘Are you coming?’, do they know what we’re inviting them to do? - Elyse “No. You need to think about it, and you need to think about it and Saul. You need to think about if they are coming.” - Jade I think we need to let them know what they’re coming to. - Elyse “They’re coming to a place to do snack. You need to say, ‘Are you coming? Say yes or no.’” - Jade
Monsters and TrucksWe ended our call with a new monster book, who is taken apart to create a new scene; it's a new way to think about collage and deconstruction. We also read a new construction book that the Brown Room let us borrow. It has these incredibly cool and beautiful pages where you use a flashlight to show a hidden image!
On Thursday we had a mice filled story time as we read three of Ellen Still Walsh's books: Mouse Paint, Mouse Count, and Balancing Act. We also read a story based on a Scottish folk song called Always Room for One More, and we ended with one of Saul's favorites, Today is Monday.
Mixing Green and orange“I’ve got the big paper ready! I’m ready to do all of my things.” - Saul “Alright, now I’m making toad.” - Saul Maybe I’ll paint Toad within my grass. - Elyse “I’m painting grass too!” - Jade “I’m making the dinosaur bigger and bigger and bigger. I’m getting him out of the dragon. He’s coming from a different place.” - Saul [spreading paint with a paintbrush in one hand and using the palm of his other hand]
“I’m making the same as Saul. I’m making a Sauly orange Loch Ness Monster.” - Jade You know what we learned about him? We don’t know what he really looks like, so we can make it up. He can be whatever color we want him to be. - Elyse “Well, I saw one in the night, but the one I saw was mean. Well, was he nice or mean? No, he’s mean. I want to make teeth on him. Is it a boy or a girl?” - Jade “Look! I’m making a really big dinosaur. I'm making the scales on a dinosaur. The scales.” - Saul “I'm making a monster that is a dinosaur. I’m making a scale [too].” - Jade “I put the scales on the dragon.” - Saul Do you think my Loch Ness monster needs scales? - Elyse “Yes because monsters and dinosaurs always have scales.” - Jade I think I’ll try blue scales. - Elyse “Good. It might show up.” - Jade “Now I’m making purple. Red with blue!!” - Saul “I’m making a maze where there’s mean monsters.” - Jade Tuesday was an extra special day for me and Saul. We finally got to play together, in-person. We met up at a favorite spot of Saul's in Rock Creek Park. We spent two glorious hours digging in the dirt, collecting flowers and grass, making collections, running around, and just enjoying each other's company!
Another wonderful thing about having Jade is that she can share with us a bit of what has been happening in the Brown Room! What have you been working on in the Brown Room? - Elyse “Jumping.” - Jade, 3.5 months Something that we know about is the dragon costume.- Elyse “Elyse, can I think it home for another little while.” - Saul, 3.8 months Maybe you can tell Jade about the dragon scale you made. I’m wondering if Jade made a dragon scale. - Elyse “Jade didn’t make the dragon costume?” -Saul Let’s ask her. Did you help make the dragon costume? - Elyse “Yes. It’s orange and white and black.” - Jade A snack invitation for Brown RoomThe Brown Room has invited Saul to have snack with them a few times, and we'd like to return the favor. We've chatted briefly about inviting them, how we should do it, but Jade gave us the entire break down of what we will need to create and send an invitation. If we want to invite them, how would we send them an invitation or a message? - Elyse “I do not know.” - Saul Oh, so that means we need to think about it and share ideas. - Elyse “You get a piece of paper out. Put everybody’s name on it; the kids and the teachers, and then you put it in an envelope. Well, put it on a piece of paper and then put it in the envelope. Then send it to us. Okay? Put the kids on it; their names on it.” - Jade All of the children’s names, or maybe their symbols. - Elyse “Yeah!” - Saul “Then you put the names on the out of the envelope, then put a stamp on it and send it to us.” - Jade Sharing Stuffed Animals
Sleeping BunniesSaul's Favorite Truck Book
This week, we added a little complexity and interaction to our story time. We started by reading a myth. Our final three books were about lines and shapes that inspired some drawing as we read. When we finished Lines that Wiggle, we decided to revisit a few favorites. Did you have a favorite kind of line from the book? - Elyse “Yeah, the octopus one.” - Saul “My favorite was the octopus too.” - Lucia Did you have another favorite line? - Elyse “The straight ones.” - Saul
Shapes“I’m making really small pictures.” - Lucia Lucia! It was so wonderful to have us with you this week! Thank you for joining us, and we hope to see you on campus soon!
Saul, do you remember what the special project is that we’re sewing for today? - Elyse “For the (next year's) Rainey Room’s dragon costume!” - Saul, 3.8 years Saul absolutely loves to sew, and we've been thinking a little bit about this upcoming project over the past week or so. Brown Room has been working (since January) on a dragon costume inspired by their experience with the Chinese New Year. They invited Saul, who is also a member of the Brown Room, to sew a scale for the costume. We also got to share this experience with Lucia, who is part of the Rainey Room B pod on campus. Lucia is also excellent at sewing and arranging her materials on the fabric. Lucia and Saul made a great sewing team. To begin, we looked at a few photos/images of Chinese dragons. “I’m adding beads to different beads.” - Saul “I’m adding beads because it’s good!” - Lucia “These are beads with tall bottoms and squishy tops.” - Saul “I have a few of those.” - Lucia “Now I’m going to add this little silver one.” - Saul “It (thread) came out of the fishy’s mouth!” - Lucia “Elyse, I’m going to keep sewing my dragon scales.” - Saul Your beads remind me of the dragon. - Elyse “They are the silver ones.” - Saul I wish I had some of those. - Elyse “You can get them from the bead supermarket.” - Saul What to do when you make a mistake.
Observing Costumes and thinking about sharing the scale
Looking backwards and forwards (to Rainey Room)
Lucia will be joining us this week, and I was so excited to have a one-on-one visit with her as a welcome to the virtual classroom! During our call, Lucia showed me a lot of things that she has been working on at home, but the story of her painting was insightful and beautiful! A blank canvas“I made some shrimp paint.” - Lucia, 3.11 years Can you tell me more about that? Elyse “It’s shrimp.” - Lucia “I'm adding blue, but I think I need some red.” - Lucia That looks like a darker blue. - Elyse “It’s navy.” - Lucia How did you make it? - Elyse “We mixed colors. We mixed all of the colors to make the colors; we used all of the paints” - Lucia What colors do you use when you’re mixing? - Elyse “I use any colors.” - Lucia “I’ve been painting at school on the easel, but these are different brushes. They’re different colors of brushes.” - Lucia Lucia, I’m going to mix colors on zoom with my friend Saul. What colors should we make? - Elyse “Shrimp!” - Lucia How did you make shrimp? What colors did you make? - Elyse “Some red.” - Lucia What else did you mix with it to make shrimp? - Elyse “Red and white.” - Lucia (mixing) “It’s shrimpy!” - Lucia I noticed that your blue is overlapping your red. - Elyse
“Yeah they go together. So, it’s a puzzle. I”m covering all of the little spots, and connecting all of the big spots. It’s a lot of shrimp.” - Lucia It looks like shrimp is your main color; it’s your connecting color. - Elyse “Yeah, it’s the middle piece color. I’m going to use all of it so there aren’t any open spots. You have to paint the whole thing.” - Lucia I noticed that you switched brush sizes. - Elyse “Yeah, that’s the brush in the color that I need.” - Lucia “I don’t only need one color. I need a colorful puzzle.” - Lucia Last Friday, after we finished our new volcano explosions, I shared a new sensory experience idea with Saul. He immediately hypothesized "that would be a different kind of volcano." Today was the day to test out his theory. Would it erupt? Would it explode? We had to mix the ingredients to find out!
“It’s like milk!” - Saul “Whoa! Look what happened. It turned into liquid.” - Saul “Now it’s messy up!” - Saul “It makes a big mess. It feels like grass. It feels like milk.” - Saul